In 7 & 8 February 2023 in the framework of the European Project «IcARUS-Innovative AppRoaches to Urban Security», a coordination meeting was co-rganized in Panteion University by the Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University (EAstE) and the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) to discuss and exchange scientific knowledge and experience regarding the design and the development of strategies for urban security.

The new BSFS promo video is now available to watch. Visit the You Tube channel at

The new video was created by the BSFS project with the scientific contribution of the Prof. Christina Zarafonitou, Director of Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University. The video presents a series of actions designed and implemented by the project, thus, aspiring to improve urban security and crime prevention in the city of Piraeus.

UrbanCrime study aims to examine the development of the criminal phenomenon and the consequent insecurity in the period of the economic crisis. Its evolution will be investigated in relation to economic deprivation in the municipalities of the region of Athens. The objectives are to investigate the role of the macro-economic factors to the evolution of criminality and their characteristics, as well as, their role as generator of vulnerability and consequently of the fear of crime.

The project is funded by The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation.

Scientific Responsible: Prof. Christina Zarafonitou, Director of Laboratory of Urban Criminology, Panteion University

For more information visit

The IcARUS project seeks to facilitate a transformation in the application and utilisation of the knowledge base through the design of urban security policies. By rethinking tools for urban security policy, IcARUS project offers a unique opportunity to draw together the best evidence from urban security research and practice over the last 30 years to implement an integrated, evidence-based and multi-stakeholder approach. IcARUS will integrate social and technological innovations to encourage common approaches to security in the European Union. This project aims to transform the benefits to local communities in terms of urban security policies by engaging them as active co-producers of services.

The project is funded by “HORIZON 2020” The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

Scientific Responsible: Prof. Christina Zarafonitou, Director of Laboratory of Urban Criminology, Panteion University

For more information visit

BeSecure-FeelSecure is one of the 3 proposals which will be funded by the European Regional Development Fund in the context of 4th call of Urban Innovative Actions in the domain of Urban Security.

Leader: The Municipality of Piraeus.

Partners: Singular Logic, Laboratory of Urban Criminology-Panteion University, Research Center- University of Piraeus, European Forum for Urban Security (Efus), SPACE Hellas and the Ministry of Citizen Protection.

Scientific Responsible for Panteion University: Prof. Christina Zarafonitou, Director of Laboratory of Urban Criminology.

Project Description
