IcARUS - Innovative AppRoach to Urban Security

In 7 & 8 February 2023 in the framework of the European Project «IcARUS-Innovative AppRoaches to Urban Security», a coordination meeting was co-rganized in Panteion University by the Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University (EAstE) and the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) to discuss and exchange scientific knowledge and experience regarding the design and the development of strategies for urban security.

During the two-day meeting the partners discussed, and a fruitful scientific dialogue was developed regarding:

  • The design and the development of tools for urban security tailored to the peculiarities of the six European cities-partners of the Project.
  • The strategies for urban security, partnerships, and the evaluation of the implemented measures for crime prevention and the enhancement of the feeling of safety of the citizens in the cities-partners of the Project.
  • The framework and the process for the evaluation of the tools in each city based on common scientific criteria.


Consortium of the Project:

Εuropean Forum for Urban Security (Efus), Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University (EAstE), Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, University of Salford, University of Leeds, IDIAP Research Institute, Center for Security Studies (ΚΕΜΕΑ), Plus Ethics, Makesense, Camino, Loba, Riga, Lisbon, Stuttgart, Rotterdam, Nice, Turin IcARUS (icarus-innovation.eu)



For more details, see the attached file


