The Laboratory of Urban Criminology

Welcome to the official website of
The Laboratory of Urban Criminology

The Laboratory of Urban Criminology was established at the Section of Criminology - Sociology Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Panteion University (Government Newspaper 2978/31.12.2015, vol. B’) and cover educational and research needs in the fields of Criminology and more specifically of urban criminal phenomena.
Research and Study Field of the Laboratory
  • The study of the criminal phenomenon and the special quantitative and qualitative features of the urban environment.
  • Study and research of the role of the built environment and the structural and functional characteristics of urban environment in the forms and dimensions of crime.
  • The development and implementation of methods and techniques of mapping specific to the geographical and spatial analysis of crime.
  • Empirical investigation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the crime according to the size of the settlement (urban, suburban - rural areas).
  • The study of contemporary urban criminality and its mapping.
  • Empirical investigation and study of victimization, fear of crime and insecurity on the basis of the residencearea and the settlement size
  • The empirical and theoretical analysis of the attitudes and opinions of citizens towards the criminal phenomenon as well as punitiveness, on the basis of the size of residence settlement.
  • Processing theoretical explanatory approaches and criminal policy proposals about urban criminality.
  • Formulating proposals for crime prevention at local level (social prevention / community prevention), as well as crime prevention through environmental proposals (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design−CPTED).
The mission of the Laboratory is to:
  • fulfill training needs in the fields of the Laboratory,
  • conducting research programs,
  • organizing scientific events,
  • publications and editions,
  • cooperation with other relevant Greek and foreign academic institutions, research centers and institutes,
  • cooperation with public services, local authorities and other scientific and social organizations in order to submit proposals on matters falling within the Laboratory activity field,
  • development of products and services
  • Strengthening doctoral students whose thesis subject falls in the disciplines of the Laboratory, possibility for scholarship according to the applicable provisions.
The Director of the Laboratory
Professor Dr. Christina Zarafonitou
